Table of Contents The Japanese Slipper cocktail, renowned for its vibrant green hue and exquisite flavor profile, holds a special...
The Negroni, a classic Italian cocktail, was first concocted in Florence, Italy, in the early 20th century. Its simple yet distinctive combination of gin, Campari, and sweet vermouth has become a staple in the world of mixology.
The White Negroni was invented in 2001 by British bartender Wayne Collins at VinExpo, a beverage trade show in Bordeaux, France. The White Negroni has gained popularity for its unique twist on the classic Negroni, a cocktail renowned for its bitter and bold flavors. Wayne Collins, a pioneer in the art of mixology, played with the different components of the Negroni to create this delightful and refreshing variation.
The VinExpo serves as a gathering place for professionals in the beverage industry, providing a platform for networking and showcasing new and innovative products. The story tells that it was during this event that Collins decided to play with the traditional Negroni recipe, experimenting with different components to create something unique. The result was the White Negroni, a refreshing twist on the classic cocktail.
Collins’ cocktail became immensely popular, catching the attention of bartenders worldwide. The White Negroni’s fame reached its pinnacle at the Pegu Club in New York, securing a permanent spot on their menu. This recognition served as a significant endorsement, effectively introducing the cocktail to a vast and diverse audience. Subsequently, the White Negroni found its way to other renowned bars, such as PDT, and speakeasy.
The White Negroni is characterized by its distinct flavor profile, which deviates from the bitter and bold nature of the traditional Negroni. To achieve this, Wayne Collins replaced the Campari, a bitter Italian aperitif, with Suze, a gentian-based liqueur. The combination of gin, Suze, and Lillet blanc gives the White Negroni its characteristic taste.
The proportions of the ingredients in this cocktail can be adjusted to cater to individual preferences. The standard recipe typically calls for equal parts of gin, Suze, and Lillet blanc.
Since its creation by Wayne Collins, this cocktail has garnered significant attention in the world of mixology. Bartenders and cocktail enthusiasts have embraced this modern variation of the classic Negroni, appreciating its ability to offer a refreshing twist while preserving the essence of the original cocktail.
The White Negroni’s unique flavor profile has attracted a wide range of patrons, from seasoned cocktail connoisseurs to those new to the world of mixology. Its approachable bitterness, combined with the herbal and citrus notes, makes it an excellent introduction to the Negroni family for those who may be hesitant to explore the more robust original version.
Furthermore, the White Negroni has contributed to the growing trend of reimagining classic cocktails. Mixologists worldwide have been inspired to experiment with traditional recipes, seeking to create fresh and inventive variations that appeal to diverse palates. As a result, this Negroni variation has paved the way for countless other cocktails that push the boundaries of flavor and creativity.
30 ml gin
30 ml Suze
30 ml Lillet blanc
Garnish: lemon or grapefruit twist
Add the gin, Suze, and Lillet blanc into a mixing glass with ice.
Stir for 10-15 seconds, until chilled.
Strain the mix into an old-fashioned glass with ice.
Garnish with a grapefruit or lemon twist.
Table of Contents The Japanese Slipper cocktail, renowned for its vibrant green hue and exquisite flavor profile, holds a special...
Facebook Print Email WhatsApp Published: 01/30/24 Table of Contents The Campari and Soda cocktail is a blend of Campari and...
Facebook Print Email WhatsApp Table of Contents In the world of mixology, few cocktails boast a name as intriguing and...
Facebook Print Email WhatsApp Table of Contents The world of cocktails is rife with tales of origin, mixology, and the... is a participant in the Services LLC Associates Program. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates.